Posted at 06:23 AM in details, Inspiration, meaningful, Practical, Travel | Permalink | Comments (0)
I was basically a kid (25 years old) when I met my husband. I was living in a loft in downtown los angeles - pushing my steel bathtub down the hall to the community bathroom, traveling the world taking photos, and making plans for how I wanted my life to play out. I spent days in the dark room, hours gardening on the roof, and money on things such as sunday night dinner parties on the roof.
Almost twenty years has passed and I am in awe of how life has played out and how fast the time has flown. We were laughing the other day because I suddenly realized I am no longer a kid and that we are middle did that happen? We have built houses and responsibility and college funds and retirement funds, we own businesses, our daughter is a tween and i still feel exactly the same in my heart as I did when I was 25. I feel the years on my body and I mark the years in my body of work, my heart carries the weight of life, but my spirit still feels 25.
Posted at 05:33 AM in Art school, details, Food and Drink, Friends, How do you know...?, Inspiration, meaningful, Money, Organization, Parties, photography, Practical, Travel | Permalink | Comments (1)
Since you were little, you have had a strong sense of self. You knew who you were. I love this about you. You are kind, open, loving, and talented.
I love to hear you sing. From pink piggy tails to charlie brown kite song to Adele - hearing you sing is one of my greatest joys. You have a great ear and you feel the music. Each song fills me with happiness.
I know sometimes you tire of me photographing your every move but I am a photojournalist and using my camera is one way I communicate. Documenting you has been a pleasure. Your spirit eeks thru every photo, your eyes dance. Capturing your spirit reinforces my belief in life force. I will always be taking pictures of you and your friends - so do not protest. I promise I will share them with you and you can post them on instagram.
It warms my heart when you tell your friends I am a great cook. Thanks for eating my food and for feeding my soul.
I am sorry that work takes up so much of my time. As an entrepreneur I often have to give more time than a regular job. But it also means I have more control of the overall life I lead. When you were young, I built my company and raised you side by side. I'd work all day until I picked you up from school - then from 3-8 PM I was your Mom. After I put you to bed, I'd often work til midnight finishing up my work. It was not always easy, but I would not trade it for anything. Getting to be with you every day and pick you up at the bus stop, doing homework, making dinner. If I had a regular job, those tasks would have been parceled off to a babysitter.
I admire your grit. You also have so much grace. Ease with your body, spirit and self. I love watching this in school, on stage, when you dance, when you sing. Your grace calms and inspires me.
I admire your self control. You have always had a good sense of healthy food and make great choices every day. You also understand your need for sleep and take responsibility for your healthy sleep habits. I will never forget when Stasi's Dad told me that in the middle of a movie at a sleepover, you got up and and said you were tired and went to bed. Always take care of yourself. Take sleep when you need it. Feed yourself. Keep your basic needs in check and there is no limit to what you will achieve in this lifetime.
I am so proud of the fact that you share easily. You love your stuff and have no problem giving it to someone else who may want it. This will help you tremedously in life. Sharing is a hard lesson and you already act with such grace in your sharing. You will make a great partner and a great parent because you know how to share.
Be BRAVE. I love that ever since you were little, you are willing to go outside your comfort zone and do things, In trapeze you were at the front of the line, wanting to go first. You encourage others to be brave. When a fellow trapezer (a 20 something woman) was unsure, you imparted your experience and wisdom - relaying to her that she could climb the ladder and make the leap. I hope that you will continue to try new things and be first in line always.
I know you will travel far and wide and that your instinct and intuition will keep you safe and sound. I worry about the world, but I know. I know that with Daddy and me as your parents, you will travel- so I will be brave when you do and I ask that you do whatever you can to be safe and sound.
Be a good friend. Try not to gossip about anyone. Be a good friend to boys. Know that they are experiencing the same blast of hormones (x100) and that they can be sensitive and need a friend too.
Keep your self in tact and do not let anyone violate your self or your body in any way that you are umcomfortable with. If you are unsure, do not act.
PROMISE ME, you will not do anything you don't want just because other are doing it. Promise me that you will not compromise what you stand for or who you are. Not for a boy, a friend, a teacher, a stranger, or for us.
We love who you are .
Enjoy this time in your life. I am so very proud of you. I love being your Mom and I am so excited to watch you continue to evolve. You are spectacular and I love you.
Posted at 05:01 AM in details, Friends, meaningful, Music, Practical | Permalink | Comments (6)
Posted at 03:22 AM in details, Inspiration, meaningful, Money, Practical | Permalink | Comments (1)
Watching the Olympics, I am in AWE of the USA women's teams. Gold Medals in Beach Volleyball, Basketball, Water Polo, Soccer...not to mention the individual sports such as Gymnastics, Swimming, & Track and Field. The Women are amazing and impressive. Back in 1972 Title 9 was created to ensure equal playing time and attention for both genders. It embraced women's sports and the positive result all these years later... is lots of GOLD medals at the 2012 London Olympic Games!
I love watching the trust between Misty May and Kerri Walsh. I applaud Jordyn Wieber for displaying such stellar sportsmanship in the gymnastics forum and showing up and supporting her teammates. In the interviews with the Soccer team, Hope Solo and Carli Lloyd were quick to point out that while they are getting a lot of attention for their offense and defense, the reason their team was so solid was due to the captain of the team Christie Rampone, who has been there for four olympics. Her leadership and experience anchored the team and helped them to be successful. I love the spirit of women's teams. I love the stellar athleticism. I love the big crowds who care about it. I am proud to have benefited from Title IX when I was growing up and playing sports and I love watching all those women win medals! Well done!
Posted at 04:24 PM in details, Inspiration, meaningful, Practical | Permalink | Comments (3)
Having kids means whenever you are not with them, you need to make sure they are cared for and safe. Whether you arrange the child care between family/friends, a paid professional, or your spouse, having some time away from your kids is important. Taking time for yourself to see girlfriends, go to a movie, exercize, or to work will help you be a better mother, partner, and friend.
When our daughter was younger we liked to TAG TEAM a lot. Meaning instead of booking and paying for a babysitter for every work dinner, trip, meeting, or gathering - my husband and I would take turns watching her. This is great for bonding time between us and her - but I think it is important to remember that making time with your partner should not be overlooked.
TAG TEAM childcare is great - but do not forget that DATE NIGHT with with your partner is also important. Utilize TAG when it works , but also work hard to make DATES with your partner and everyone wins in the long run.
Posted at 10:04 AM in details, Inspiration, meaningful, Practical | Permalink | Comments (0)
For years, whenever we had the TODAY show on, my husband would float through the room and says "I love that Ann Curry". I agree. She is personable and smart and pretty and very calming.
I am sad that they let her go as co-host. I am sad if Matt Lauer had anything to do with it. And poor Savannah...she does not have a prayer. We love you Ann - and look forward to many years of world events and international news.
Posted at 09:50 PM in details, Inspiration, meaningful, Practical | Permalink | Comments (3)
5.5 hours on the plane with no internet, no email, no phone calls. Nowhere to be, no car to drive, no one expecting me to respond.
I have never enjoyed being on a plane as much as this one.
Lately, my head has been overstuffed with details, decisions, stress, business, life…. and I have barely had time to think my own thoughts.
On this plane, I have listened to my music, written blog posts, taken a nap, had a picnic, and watched a movie.
I literally could turn right around and fly home, and land feeling refreshed, ignited, and satiated. Sometimes a little down time is all you need to start to feel like yourself again. Add in some music and some rest – and you have a vacation.
time stands still in travel....
Download 03 You Are the Everything
Posted at 09:42 AM in Art school, Crafty, details, Film, Food and Drink, Inspiration, meaningful, Music, Organization, Practical, Travel | Permalink | Comments (1)
Posted at 10:17 PM in details, Inspiration, meaningful, photography, Practical | Permalink | Comments (1)
This week we did a food lab to test various salads and sandwiches for Coffee+Food. Sampling different combinations, taking notes on the ingredients and presentation. Creating a training guide for the prep team that will make the food day after day.
The problem is that I am a random cook. I have no chef training. I do not measure. I fill my food with love and it usually turns out ok. But to create a menu that we will duplicate week after week, means dialing in the recipe and being able to pass on the information.
In getting ready for the tasting, I got self conscious about the way I "WING IT" in the kitchen. So I found myself GOOGLING "How to make a panini sandwich" and took note of the various techniques listed online. As we began to make the sandwiches, all the notes went out the window and we ultimately created our own techniques that will work with how we want the sandwiches to look and taste.
Our menu will be small and inspired. You will remember the kale salad and crave it over and over. You will think about the chicken salad and wonder what the special ingredient is that makes it so good. You will love our creamy salad dressing.
Posted at 08:41 AM in details, Food and Drink, Inspiration, meaningful, Organization, Practical | Permalink | Comments (1)