There is a lot of talk when you are an entrepreneur about what "you" specifically bring to the table in terms of your work and your business. My friend Jan calls it your secret sauce.
This past week was busier than usual with big events, parties, and catering ON TOP of the usual cafe, art studios, and crafty work. I thought about farming out the baking of the rainbow cakes since I had so much going on - but ended up doing them myself. As I was assembling them, I was inspired to switch up the order of the layers, so that each girl would have their own different cake. Had someone else made the cakes, I would not have had the insight to ask them to switch up the layers ahead of time. It was in the moment, and I concede, part of my secret sauce. What did you do today that was done specifically a certain way, because you did it. Do you know what your secret sauce is?