Having kids means whenever you are not with them, you need to make sure they are cared for and safe. Whether you arrange the child care between family/friends, a paid professional, or your spouse, having some time away from your kids is important. Taking time for yourself to see girlfriends, go to a movie, exercize, or to work will help you be a better mother, partner, and friend.
When our daughter was younger we liked to TAG TEAM a lot. Meaning instead of booking and paying for a babysitter for every work dinner, trip, meeting, or gathering - my husband and I would take turns watching her. This is great for bonding time between us and her - but I think it is important to remember that making time with your partner should not be overlooked.
TAG TEAM childcare is great - but do not forget that DATE NIGHT with with your partner is also important. Utilize TAG when it works , but also work hard to make DATES with your partner and everyone wins in the long run.